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HCG 2000 IU Driada Medical podczas leczenia

HCG 2000 IU Driada Medical podczas leczenia Hormonalna terapia, w tym zastosowanie HCG 2000 IU Driada Medical, staje się coraz bardziej popularna w medycynie. HCG, czyli hormon ciążowy, odgrywa kluczową rolę w wielu procesach fizjologicznych i terapeutycznych. Czym jest HCG? HCG (ludzki gonadotropina kosmówkowa) to hormon, który naturalnie występuje w organizmie ludzkim, szczególnie u […]

Anabolic Steroid Tablets Legal in Ireland

Anabolic Steroid Tablets Legal in Ireland In recent years, the topic of anabolic steroid tablets legal in Ireland has gained significant attention among fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. Understanding the legal landscape surrounding these substances is crucial for anyone considering their use. The Legal Status of Anabolic Steroids in Ireland In Ireland, the law governing the […]

Cena tabletek sterydów anabolicznych

Cena tabletek sterydów anabolicznych Tabletkami sterydów anabolicznych interesuje się wielu sportowców oraz osób dążących do poprawy swojej sylwetki. Warto jednak zwrócić uwagę na kwestie związane z ich ceną oraz bezpieczeństwem stosowania. Jakie są ceny tabletek sterydów anabolicznych? Cena tabletek sterydów anabolicznych może różnić się w zależności od producenta, rodzaju substancji aktywnej oraz miejsca zakupu. Zazwyczaj […]

Refund and cancelation policy:

Refund and cancelation policy:

Refund requests placed on or before August 1st will receive a full refund, 5% less for credit card and or processing fees.
Refund requests placed on or before October 1st will receive 50% of all monies paid.
No refund after October 1st, 2021.
In case of medical or other emergencies, Participants can transfer their admission to another dancer, however, DLAE management must handle this process in order for it to be valid. Contact us: [email protected]


Dance Like An Egyptian Intensive Week, is not responsible for injury; sickness; lost or stolen items; missed flights; objectionable or obscene behaviour by locals, other members of the intensive week; death and other acts of God.

Force Majeure:

Any delay or failure in the performance by DLAE management hereunder shall be excused if and to the extent caused by the occurrence of a Force Majeure. For purposes of this Agreement, Force Majeure shall mean a cause or event that is not reasonably foreseeable or otherwise caused by or under the control of the Party claiming Force Majeure, including but not limited to; acts of God, fires, floods, explosions, riots, wars, hurricane, sabotage terrorism, vandalism. accident, restraint of government, governmental acts, injunctions, labor strikes, obtaining visas for Master Instructors or sickness of said instructors other than those, and other like events that are beyond the reasonable anticipation and control of the Party affected thereby, despite such Party’s reasonable efforts to prevent, avoid, delay, or mitigate the effect of such acts, events or occurrences, and which events or the effects thereof are not attributable to a Party’s failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement.